Compelling PhD Thesis Topics on Computer Science

These topics are topics that are currently being researched, but hopefully they will be able to inspire you when picking your topic. Here are nine compelling PhD thesis topics on computer science.

  1. Students can analyze ways that deep-learning and artificial intelligence can shape the future of education. New programs can base education on the preferences of the learner as well as past and present performance. Either base programs can be created, or analyzed for efficacy.
  2. Students can analyze how robotics will change the game of hydrocarbon extraction. In the modern era of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the people on the surface are being pushed further and further away from what is going on underground. Robotics and artificial intelligence can make drilling less blind and more productive in the future.
  3. Students can analyze the future of event-driven simulation. What events in nature or everyday life can or cannot be simulated? How can event-driven simulation be used to analyze possible situations in other fields? Towards what is event-driven simulation heading?
  4. Students can analyze the future of language generation in computing. What aspects of human speech are the least predictable, or are most obscured beyond the current state of computing? What are the possible solutions to these problems? What problems would a perfect speech simulator solve? How could this be integrated with other computing technologies?
  5. Students can analyze the possible uses for fluid dynamic simulations in different industries. How does the ability to simulate liquids and gases change the related fields of engineering? What can be accomplished now that could not be accomplished before? What is the future for the transportation or storage of liquids and gases now that they can be properly simulated? What is the current limit of these simulations?
  6. How will research be changed by the increasing ability of a computer to recognize specific aspects of semantics in large textual documents? How can this be quickly and easily applied to modern search engines or databases? How can this change the experience of researching in a university library?
  7. How far is the current technological limit of video games from the mainstream gaming industry? How can these factors, such as true virtual reality or extreme computing capabilities, become cheaper? What non-economic factors also stand in the way?
  8. How can the current forefront of speech or other sensory simulative technology be integrated with assistive technology?
  9. How can quantum technological advances be integrated into modern industrial technology? What are the merits of quantum knowledge?